
Why a European Life Science Strategy matters

The pharmaceutical sector is one of Europe’s most important strategic assets, delivering innovative medicines and vaccines that help Europeans live longer and feel better, while generating investment, jobs, and economic growth. Securing its future requires a dedicated life science strategy so that the EU can compete with China and the US.

Together we can make a change: our contribution to the European Life Science Strategy

Europe has put competitiveness at the centre of the new EU mandate. President von der Leyen called for a Strategy for European Life Sciences “putting research and innovation, science and technology at the heart of our economy”.

EFPIA is proposing four recommendations that can help Europe re-ignite its life sciences ecosystem:



Ensure leadership, coordination and smarter regulation through a dedicated Office for Life Sciences in the Commission and dialogue with the sector in a standing European Life Sciences Council.


Strengthen intellectual property (IP) protection across the EU, including ensuring enforcement at national level to increase predictability for innovators.


Unlock Europe’s full potential for clinical trials through fully harmonised dossier reviews, well-resourced coordination mechanisms and rapid approval.


Put resources behind a reformed and agile regulatory system to support faster approvals of new medicines and investment in modern manufacturing.

Just three decades ago half of all new treatments originated in Europe. Now it is just one in five. Where innovation happens matters. In the context of increased global insecurity, European policymakers have a decision to make: Do we want to be consumers of other regions innovation or attract research, development and manufacturing to happen here in Europe?



Health Impact
& Innovation

  • €45 Billion Invested in R&D annually
  • 77 New Medicines Approved by EMA in 2023
  • 14x ROI per Euro spent on public health: 19x ROI for adult Immunization programs


  • €311 Billion Gross Value Added (GVA) in 2022
  • 633,000 Direct Jobs, creating 2.3 Million Total Jobs
  • 3x Productivity compared to EU average (GVA per worker)

New vaccines have helped to eradicate infectious diseases, advances in cancer care are transforming survival rates, hepatitis C can now be cured in 95% of patients and there are new tools to address rare diseases and stem the tide of the obesity epidemic.

With over 12,700 medicines and vaccines in development, there is great potential to continue to improve prevention, advance treatment and meet the needs of patients.

Some examples:


Vaccines could train the body to destroy cancer cells, improving survival rates for people living with colorectal cancer.


Gene therapies could offer relief from rare diseases like Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy and the potential for a life-saving cure.


New therapies could reverse Parkinson’s progression, improving people’s quality of life and helping them to live well for longer.


New treatments could lift people out of depression, helping them to reconnect with their family, friends and work life.

A Competitiveness Compass – how do we know if we are moving in the right direction?