Are we spending smart in healthcare?
How can smart spending improve long-term outcomes while keeping the systems sustainable and flexible in order to respond to future challenges?

Faced with an unprecedented health security crisis on top of the challenges of an ageing population and increasing burden of chronic diseases, our health systems need to both strengthen their resilience to future shocks and meet increased demand for healthcare, while staying sustainable over time.
Whilst we need to keep investing in our health systems, there are also opportunities to make healthcare spending more efficient in order to improve long-term outcomes within the available budget.
According to the OECD, 20% of healthcare expenditure is spent inefficiently, making no meaningful contribution to outcomes. Smart healthcare spending will allow us to improve health outcomes while not increasing overall costs, or even create savings in the long-term that can be reinvested for better health.
In order to inform a discussion on how smart spending can improve health systems’ resilience, responsiveness and readiness, EFPIA has developed a number of policy recommendations for national and European policy-makers.
Featured speakers:
- Boris Azais, Chair of the EFPIA Healthcare Systems Working Group and Director Public Policy Europe and Canada, MSD
- Stefan Gijssels, Executive Director of DICE (Digestive Cancers Europe)
- Ilaria Giannico, Secretary General of UEHP (European Union of Private Hospitals)
- Frederico Guanais, Deputy Head of the Health Division, OECD
- Carlos Mur, Associate Professor, European University in Madrid
To find out more about our white paper and discuss some concrete case studies, join the conversation on 15 October!