Cancer Care 2030: From policy ambition to impact
Join us on 19 March in Brussels to discuss how we can work together to accelerate progress to improve cancer care

Cancer is among the most significant challenges of our time. It impacts on us as individuals, on our families and carers, on our health systems and on society as a whole. It remains a growing public health threat.
At the same time, cutting-edge technologies and major advances in our understanding of cancers have enabled unprecedented opportunities. New therapies, along with novel approaches in prevention, screening, radiotherapy, and surgery, are positively impacting people’s lives.
Despite the significant policy advancement and scientific breakthroughs, much work remains to be done to truly transform cancer care. The number of oncology clinical trials in Europe has decreased by 22% over the past 5 years; it takes on average 559 days for Europeans to access new cancer medicines; and cancer diagnoses continue to rise as the population grows and ages, placing pressure on already overextended healthcare budgets and resources.
We want to maintain the political momentum created in the last five years and avoid slipping further behind in oncology innovation. As the new EU political mandate begins, there is a collective responsibility to build on the promise of the Europe’s Beating Cancer Plan (EBCP) and the EU Mission on Cancer to leave no stone unturned to take action against cancer.
Join us on 19 March in Brussels to discuss how we can work together to accelerate progress to improve cancer care, and build a future where everyone has the best possible chance. The event will also mark the launch of the updated IHE Cancer Comparator Report, offering an overview of the current state of cancer care in Europe.
Register here.
Discover the Programme:
Moderator: Shona Murray, Euronews
10:00-10:30: Welcome coffee
10:30-10:40 - Welcome
- Nathalie Moll, Director General, EFPIA
10:40-10:55 - Cancer Care in 2025 - An Overview of cancer outcomes data across Europe
- Nils Wilking, Karolinska Institutet
- Thomas Hofmarcher, Research Director, IHE
10:55-11:50 - Cancer Care 2030: From policy ambition to impact
- Thomas Hofmarcher, Research Director, IHE
- Luca Morlotti, Head of International Access, MSD
- Antonio Parenti, Director Public Health, Cancer and Health security, DG SANTE
- Katie Rizvi, co-founder and executive director, Youth Cancer Europe
- Elisabetta Zanon, CEO, European Cancer Organisation
11:50-12:05: Recent scientific breakthroughs and how to ensure that EU is the center of the next innovations
- Salah-Dine Chibout, Head Public Private Partnerships and TA head Oncology as Toxicologist, Novartis
12:05-13:00 - How can innovation address the complex challenges arising from the growing cancer burden?
- Elcin Barker Ergun, CEO, Menarini Group
- Irene Norstedt, Director, People: Health & Society, DG Research and Innovation
- Eva Schumacher-Wulf, Founder Mamma Mia!
- Benedikt Westphalen, Chair ESMO Precision Oncology Working Group, Cancer Mission Board Member
13:00 - 14:00 - Lunch
14:00-15:00 - Bridging Gaps: Overcoming Uncertainties in Access to Tomorrow's Healthcare
Video introduction: Indranil Bagchi, Global Head, Pricing & Market Access, GSK
- Niko Andre, Head of Oncology Germany, AstraZeneca
- Aris Angelis, Secretary General for Strategic Planning, Ministry of Health, Greece
- Bettina Ryll, Founder Melanoma Patient Network Europe
- Vlad Vasile-Voiculescu, MEP, RENEW Europe
- Anne Willemsen, Co-chair of the HTA subgroup on JCA, and senior advisor at Zorginstituut Nederland
15:00-16:00 - Redesigning sustainable and efficient cancer care now
- Antonella Cardone, CEO, Cancer Patients Europe
- Robert Day, International Commercial Vice President Oncology, Pfizer
- Roma Maguire, Deputy Associate Principal Professor of Digital Health and Care, University of Strathclyde
- Eduardo Pisani, CEO, All.Can
16:00-16:15 - Closing remarks
- Claus Zieler, Chief Commercial Officer & Member of the Executive Committee, Astellas Pharma