Improving health outcomes for people with diabetes: The role of data, access to innovation and integrated care European Parliament
21.11.19 - 21.11.19

After a series of insightful roundtables in Europe during which we explored the barriers and opportunities for defeating diabetes we are gathering once again, this time in the European Parliament, on the 21st of November, to share our learnings and good practices in diabetes care and management. On this occasion, a new policy paper will be published with the aim of informing policy action on diabetes around Europe.
Today nearly 1 out of 10 people in Europe have diabetes and the numbers are expected to increase!
Our ambition is to set the ground for a platform for dialogue between stakeholders and policy makers coming together to prevent diabetes from becoming a rising epidemic. We hope you will be able to join and discuss more about:
- Measuring and improving outcomes using health data and registries
- The role of digitalisation, technology and innovative therapies
- Empowerment of primary care management of diabetes
The event is hosted by MEP Christel Schaldemose, S&D, and supported by the European Federation of Pharmaceutical Industries and Associations.
Practical information:
21 November 2019 from 8:00 – 10:00
Registration starts at 7:30
Members Salon (ground floor), European Parliament, Rue Wiertz 60 – Brussels
Breakfast will be provided