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European Federation of Pharmaceutical industries and associations

EFPIA Newsletter 12 September 2024


New mandate, new opportunity: A competitiveness strategy for European life sciences

Learn more here.

Described by Time Magazine as “not just an election year. [But] perhaps the election year”, in 2024 an estimated 49% of the world’s population are going to the polls.

In Europe, a new parliament have taken their seats, and the European Commission’s President, Ursula von der Leyen, has laid out the political guidelines for the next mandate.

The life sciences sector is unique. It can deliver scientific and medical breakthroughs with the power to transform the lives of patients while driving Europe’s economic growth, resilience and security. It is, however, under pressure.

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EFPIA response to Mario Draghi EU competitiveness report
09 September 2024

EFPIA welcomes recognition of the innovative pharmaceutical sector’s importance to EU competitiveness and calls for... Read more


Thomas Gelin joins EFPIA as Executive Director, International Affairs
02 September 2024

With Europe’s competitive edge at the top of the political agenda, EFPIA is delighted to announce the appointment of... Read more




Data anonymisation: balancing privacy and progress
10 September 2024

A new visual aid explores the trade-offs researchers face in protecting patients’ identities and sharing data to advance... Read more

Measuring the value of data disclosure
09 September 2024

Industry is committed to responsible sharing of clinical trial data to support the advancement of public health Read more

Unmet Medical Need: Preventing childhood blindness (Guest blog)
03 September 2024 - Heidrun Hildebrand

A story of innovation, collaboration, and determination to solve a complex medical and scientific challenge in a highly... Read more


Innovative Health Initiative celebrates 200 project

Hitting the 200 project milestone shows the strength of the public-private partnership approach pioneered by the Innovative Medicines Initiative and built on by IHI.

Learn more about the IHI initiative here.




DIA Medical Information & Communications Conference
24 September 2024 (London, UK)

The 2024 DIA Medical Information and Communications Conference is designed for medical information professionals and... Read more

Bridging the Gap: The New Pan-European Observatory as a Catalyst for EHDS Implementation
26 September 2024 (Vienna and online)

Explore how the H2O Pan-European Observatory can play a pivotal role in aligning digitally captured patient outcomes... Read more


What we are reading

Health Data Ethics & Regulatory Frameworks in Rare Disease Research
On 11 September 2024 (Future Learn)

Discover the role of health data in rare disease research, exploring the ethics and... Read more

Draghi report touts path to pull EU pharma from ‘slow agony’
On 10 September 2024 (Euronews)

Mario Draghi envisions a clear path forward for the EU pharma sector through greater... Read more

How “Team Europe” Can Co-Create the Healthcare R&D Framework of Tomorrow
On 08 August 2024 (DIA Global Forum)

To meet the needs of patients and to drive competitiveness, Europe needs a consistent... Read more

Rare Barometer survey launched on rare diseases and social participation
On 17 July 2024 (EURORDIS)

Rare Barometer, the survey initiative of EURORDIS-Rare Diseases Europe, has today launched... Read more