Why I am #TeamVaccines (Guest blog)
Dr Paul Robinson from MSD spends 2-3 half days a week vaccinating people against COVID-19, and says the sense of relief when that first vaccine goes in is often palpable.

It has always been important to me to retain my belief that I am a doctor. I work in the pharmaceutical industry to help patients.
I have spent 27 years with MSD, in R&D, medical affairs and patient engagement. MSD has always had a volunteering policy, allowing employees to spend 40 hours a year volunteering, but for COVID-related work, this limit has been lifted for those of us who have healthcare qualifications – and we employ many doctors, nurses, pharmacists, paramedics etc.
I have maintained my medical license throughout my 30 years in industry, but I was conscious that returning to front-line hospital care of really sick patients was a bit of a stretch (and a bit of a risk, as I am in a high-risk group). So, when the vaccination roll-out came along, I knew that it was right for me. The on-line training was extensive, with refreshers about dealing with anaphylaxis, injection technique, vaccine handling, data protection etc. I signed up with a local pharmacy – vaccination at pharmacies is routine in the UK, for flu and travel jabs etc. so this is not new. Many of the volunteers have no medical background at all but have been trained – it’s really not that difficult!
I currently volunteer 2-3 half days a week. We book patients in every 5 minutes, so that’s about 110 patients a day each vaccinator. The UK is vaccinating at a rate of about 500,000 a day, which is quite impressive, and the logistics needed to supply the vaccination centres, manage the volunteers, book appointments etc. is working fairly well: nearly 25 million having had their first dose now, and hospitalisation rates falling. I have recruited my wife to vaccinate too, so we sometimes do a double-act!
Many people have been desperate to get the jab, and the sense of relief when that first vaccine goes in is often palpable. There have been tears. It’s the first glimmer of light at the end of the tunnel for many, to travel to see loved ones, mix with their families, get life back to normal. We’re not out of the woods, but we know which direction will take us there. Vaccine confidence is high, I think, with many of those previously hesitant coming forward, but we have confidence issues in some cultural groups which needs to be addressed.