
Announcement: Titta Rosvall-Puplett to be Acting Executive Director of EBE

EFPIA announces the appointment of Titta Rosvall-Puplett as Acting Executive Director for EBE as from July 1, 2012.

Titta joined EFPIA in 2009 as Director of Research Directors Group and was able to build close relationships and a solid understanding of IMI priorities. Titta then transitioned to head up and enhance EFPIA’s communication capacity as Director of Communications. She has been instrumental in launching our new website, publishing our first Annual Industry Review as well as improved EFPIA’s internal information processes by setting up efficient and modern systems. Previous to EFPIA, Titta acted as Executive Director and consultant for a number of international professional associations.

I trust that Titta will in the short term be able to strengthen EBE internally and externally by leveraging resources and competence within in EFPIA, as well as by improving alignment within the membership. Next to Roberto Gradnik, EBE President, I will support Titta in these priorities, while we search for a person to be permament Executive Director.

Within EFPIA, Stephane de Molling and Amelia Kossi will report to me - ad interim. The work on our website and our external conferences will be led by Philomène Bouchon. Erica Poot will continue to work with Brendan Barnes and Marie-Claire Pickaert.

Best regards,

Richard Bergström
Director General