
EFPIA’s Annual Meetings 2013

EFPIA Annual Meetings. 24-26 June 2013 in Brussels

EFPIA’s Annual Meetings 2013 – Brussels, 24-26 June
Brussels Meeting Centre SQUARE
Mont des Arts
B – 1000 Brussels

THE WAY OUT FOR EUROPE: Innovation-led Growth

Each year, EFPIA’s Annual Meetings attract up to 350-400 people from all the EU member states, EFTA countries and beyond. Participants represent European institutions, national authorities, national and EU administrations, industry, and other interested parties – among which patient organisations and healthcare professionals, as well as the press.

If Europe is to remain one of the prime movers in the global economy, then the EU must build a basis for dynamic and sustainable growth. Europe needs to look forward. We must emerge from the current economic crisis as a highly competitive economy with a productive and healthy work force as well as a sustainable social model. This year we are delighted to announce that Nobel Prize winning economist Professor Paul Krugman will join us to give a keynote address, outlining his views on how Europe must move beyond austerity and what it should do to build renewed prosperity.
The biopharmaceutical industry wants to play a strong role as a partner with European institutions and governments in making innovation-led growth happen. We believe that now is the right time to open a new dialogue with society on how best to do that so that we collectively move in the right direction.

In its 2013 Annual Public Conference, EFPIA will bring together thought leaders on economics, politics and life sciences to debate where we need to work together more effectively in future.
The Annual Meetings will feature internal meetings (for membership only) and public meetings.