Health industries call for a rapid adoption of Horizon Europe, its missions and partnerships

The six undersigned European health industry associations are ambitious about a healthier future for the European citizens, based on medical innovation, timely access to quality health interventions, better health outcomes for patients, and affordable healthcare. Horizon Europe has a key role to play in that future.
At their meeting on 30 November 2018, we encourage the Competitiveness Council to adopt a position on the Horizon Europe framework, including list of missions and partnerships, and to support the creation of a public-private partnership focused on healthcare innovation.
This positive decision will enable timely completion of the legislative process and start of Horizon Europe and its instruments, which directly support patient access to innovative healthcare solutions, Europe’s cohesion and growth, as well as the continuing attractiveness of Europe as a place for research-intensive industries and investments.
Along with our member companies and national associations, we represent a vibrant and connected research and innovation ecosystem and are committed to working together, and in partnership with all stakeholders, to ensure that Europe continues to be at the forefront of healthcare innovation for the benefit of patients. A thriving environment that enables research, innovation and deployment is essential for highly research-intensive health sectors, and for economic growth in Europe.
We therefore support the ambitions of Horizon Europe based on excellence and impact that will enhance Europe’s competitiveness in the world and of its Health Cluster with six interconnected and complementary themes. We believe that an that builds on lessons from existing joint undertakings will be an important tool to achieve the Health Cluster’s ambitious goals: to increase Europe’s translational research capabilities, deliver solutions for the patients, and contribute to making our healthcare systems fit for tomorrow.
We look forward to remaining constructive partners in discussions on this important issue and urge Member States to continue joint efforts for moving the Horizon Europe legislation forward and enable the start of the programme in 2021.
COCIR: European Coordination Committee of the Radiological, Electromedical and Healthcare IT industry,
EBE: Emerging Biopharmaceutical Enterprises,
EFPIA: European Federation of Pharmaceutical Industries and Associations,
EuropaBio: European Associations for Bioindustries,
MedTech Europe: European Association of medical technology industries comprising medical devices, diagnostics and digital health.
Vaccines Europe:
At their meeting on 30 November 2018, we encourage the Competitiveness Council to adopt a position on the Horizon Europe framework, including list of missions and partnerships, and to support the creation of a public-private partnership focused on healthcare innovation.
This positive decision will enable timely completion of the legislative process and start of Horizon Europe and its instruments, which directly support patient access to innovative healthcare solutions, Europe’s cohesion and growth, as well as the continuing attractiveness of Europe as a place for research-intensive industries and investments.
Along with our member companies and national associations, we represent a vibrant and connected research and innovation ecosystem and are committed to working together, and in partnership with all stakeholders, to ensure that Europe continues to be at the forefront of healthcare innovation for the benefit of patients. A thriving environment that enables research, innovation and deployment is essential for highly research-intensive health sectors, and for economic growth in Europe.
We therefore support the ambitions of Horizon Europe based on excellence and impact that will enhance Europe’s competitiveness in the world and of its Health Cluster with six interconnected and complementary themes. We believe that an that builds on lessons from existing joint undertakings will be an important tool to achieve the Health Cluster’s ambitious goals: to increase Europe’s translational research capabilities, deliver solutions for the patients, and contribute to making our healthcare systems fit for tomorrow.
We look forward to remaining constructive partners in discussions on this important issue and urge Member States to continue joint efforts for moving the Horizon Europe legislation forward and enable the start of the programme in 2021.
COCIR: European Coordination Committee of the Radiological, Electromedical and Healthcare IT industry,
EBE: Emerging Biopharmaceutical Enterprises,
EFPIA: European Federation of Pharmaceutical Industries and Associations,
EuropaBio: European Associations for Bioindustries,
MedTech Europe: European Association of medical technology industries comprising medical devices, diagnostics and digital health.
Vaccines Europe: