
EFPIA welcomes 9 new members of Partners in Research – a new era of scientific collaboration?

The way we design, manage and deliver research, development and healthcare is changing. There are an increasing number of sectors with important roles to play, and often it is the intersection of these sectors that yields the exciting science with the significant potential to deliver more for patients.

Developing a new therapy may now go beyond the established models, to include biopharmaceutical and technology companies, universities, hospitals, venture capital firms and governments. By putting patients at the centre of research and development, we are witnessing a concerted drive toward the creation of precision medicines and an increased focus on personalised care. It should come as no surprise that the healthcare of tomorrow and by extension the life science and technology industries of tomorrow will look very different.

To maximize the potential of this new ecosystem, we will need to build strategic alliances and enter into collaborations with other sectors, including the imaging, devices, IT, diagnostic and animal health industries. Closer collaboration will result in reduced attrition, faster patient access to new treatments and improved outcomes for patients.

EFPIA is leading the way in generating a new, collaborative environment through its “Partners in Research” programme.

“Partners in Research” is a constituent entity open to companies operating in research-associated sectors. Its purpose is to support the evolution of the life science environment in Europe, helping to facilitate integration of a the range of technologies and sciences that are needed to address unmet medical needs and exploit the vast health potential offered by science.

A further objective of “Partners in Research” is to facilitate collaboration within Europe’s largest public-private initiative, the Innovative Medicines Initiative, a joint undertaking between the European Union and the pharmaceutical industry association EFPIA, which aims to speed up the development of better and safer medicines for patients. Specifically, “Partners in Research” contributes to the attainment of the objectives set out under the IMI2 Strategic Research Agenda.

After joining the Partners in Research initiative, members are able jointly to design and implement collaborative R&D initiatives, which could ultimately deliver new R&D, operational and business models that will benefit patients, science and society, through new and integrated healthcare solutions.

A year on from its establishment, we were delighted to see the formal integration of nine new Partners in Research members at the EFPIA Annual Meetings. The companies represent a wide range of sectors, including the animal health, imaging, IT and diagnostics industries. We are turning the principle of collaboration in to practice and we are excited to see the results it could deliver for patients in the coming years.

Partners in Research members

GE Healthcare
Piramal Imaging

Presentations from the “Partners in Research” session are available below.

Magda Chlebus

Magda Chlebus, Executive Director of Science Policy & Regulatory Affairs at EFPIA, is in charge of policy and...
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